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The Costa Rica's Caribbean coastline has a very interesting characteristic, the southern and the northern areas are completely different. The southern part is mainly coastline, while the northern area is covered by coastal wetlands, endless calm rivers surrounded by dense rainforests, and lots of nature to enjoy.

  • Tortuguero National Park

    The sole experience of arriving to Tortuguero represents an adventure by itself. In times when we can arrive by car to almost everywhere, Tortuguero becomes one of a kind isolated place in the middle of the very humid tropical rainforest. After driving to a certain point, from Puerto Pavona our tour will be carried out by boat through the gentle channels of Tortuguero and the immensity of the forest. Going through the channels in search of animals or walking to the highest point for a breathtaking view, are some of the many attractions.

  • Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge

    The northernmost part of our Caribbean, bordering Nicaragua, hides rarely visited places that show us the rural area at its most authentic way. Besides that, its protected areas create the perfect scenery for birdwatching in a completely adventurous environment.